Pilgrim Paths Week – April 19, 2025
Organised walk of St Kevin’s Way, Co Wicklow
Tickets will go up on Eventbrite closer to the time for bookings.
Irish Pilgrim Journey – June 19, 2025:
Guided walk of St Kevin’s Way, Hollywood, Co Wicklow
Tickets will go up on Eventbrite closer to the time for bookings.
Facebook: St.Kevins Way
Saturday, October 14.
Last opportunity this year for an autumnal walk along St Kevin’s Way on Saturday, October 15. You will be in the company of like-minded people with all logistics taken care of, and you can get your Passport stamped for the Irish Pilgrim Journey. Don’t miss it!
Facebook: St.Kevin’s Way
To register for the walk, email: Stkevinsway@gmail.com
Completed Events, 2023
Thursday, June 22
As part of the Irish Pilgrim Journey 2023, there will be a guided walk of St Kevin’s Way, from Hollywood, Co Wicklow to Glendalough.
Contact details – email: stkevinsway@gmail.com Facebook: St.Kevins Way
To celebrate National Pilgrim Paths Week, 2023, there will be a guided walk of St Kevin’s Way to Glendalough, Co Wicklow. Return transport provided. Contact details –
email: Glendaloughpilgrimage@gmail.com, Facebook: Glendalough Pilgrimage.
Saturday, October 15.
Last opportunity this year for an autumnal walk along St Kevin’s Way on Saturday, October 15. You will be in the company of like-minded people with all logistics taken care of, and you can get your Passport stamped for the Irish Pilgrim Journey. Don’t miss it!
Facebook: St.Kevin’s Way
To register for the walk email: Stkevinsway@gmail.com
Thursday, August 18
To celebrate Heritage Week, Hollywood St Kevin’s Way Group invite you on a pilgrim walk with reflections, chats and tea stops along St Kevin’s Way. Contribution €18 covers bus transport, insurance and light refreshments.
Choice of Walks
Hollywood to Glendalough, 30 km
Time: 8 hours (return bus afterwards to Hollywood)
Registration for walk: Hollywood village, 7.30 am
Ballinagee Bridge to Glendalough, 12 km
Time: 4 hours (Bus from Glendalough to Ballinagee)
Registration for walk: Glendalough Visitor Centre 12noon
Further information on the walk from: stkevinsway@gmail.com
June 23
St Kevin’s Way, Co Wicklow. Guided walk as part of the Irish Pilgrim Journey
For information email: stkevinsway@gmail.com
As in previous years, the starting point will be the visitor centre at Glendalough where there will be a bus to bring walkers up to the start point . There is car parking at the visitor centre,