Rath/Dysert Activities

Upcoming Events 2025

Colman’s Hermitage, Burren National Park, Slieve Carran

Discover this sacred site, hidden in the remote and breathtaking landscape of the Burren. Highlights of the walk include Colman’s Bed, a 10th-century oratory, a holy well, and the Road of the Dishes. Walk starts at 9.30am from entrance gate to the Burren National Park.

M: 087 9828173 E: pius@walkwithpius.com
W: https://walkwithpius.com/colmans-hermitage-walk-the-burren-county-clare


Completed Events 

Wednesday 14th June 2023, Pius Murray will lead a guided walk, on the island of Inisheer (Inis Oirr), Aran Islands, to celebrate the Pattern Day of Caomhan, patron saint of the island.
Pius Murry will do a guided walk of Inish Cathaigh/Scattery Island on Monday 10th April as part of the National Pilgrim Paths Week 2023.
Event information can be found on his website: https://walkwithpius.com/inis-cathaigh-scattery-island-guided-walk/

Inish Cathaigh/ Scattery Island Guided Walk
(part of National Pilgrim Paths Week 2023)

10th April 2023Scattery Island
Join ‘Walk with Pius’ on Easter Monday to explore Inish Cathaigh (Scattery Island) as part of National Pilgrim Paths Week 2023.  Inish Cathaigh or Scattery Island is an island in the Shannon Estuary, off the coast of Kilrush, County Clare. The island is home to a lighthouse, a ruined monastery, an Irish round tower and the remains of an artillery battery. Saint Senan is patron of Scattery Island.
Booking for the walk is essential as numbers are limited.
Further information contact Pius
M. 087 9828173
E. pius@walkwithpius.com
W. https://walkwithpius.com/inis-cathaigh-scattery-island-guided-walk/

Completed Events – 2022

Caomhán’s Pattern Day, Inisheer.

On Tuesday, June 14th., 2022, Pius Murray will lead an Inspirational Walk on Inisheer, the smallest of the Aran Islands, to celebrate Caomhán’s Pattern Day with the islanders.
Caomhán is the patron saint of Inisheer and patron of the fishermen on the three Aran Islands.
His pattern or feast day is celebrated with gusto by the people of Inisheer, at home and abroad.
Meeting Point: Bill O’Brien’s Doolin Ferry Co. Ticket Office, Doolin Pier, County Clare @09 30.
Depart: 10 00 for Inisheer
Return: 17 00 from Inisheer to Doolin Pier.
Fee: €50 includes Walk and Return Ticket on the ferry.
Holders of a Free Travel Pass May use it to buy tickets for the ferry.
Lunch: Optional at Teach an Tae, Inisheer or bring a packed lunch.
Bring fluids and a snack.
Warm, waterproof gear and walking shoes or boots are recommended.
The terrain is easy, suitable for the moderately fit.
Booking essential.
Contact Pius Murray at:
m. 087 9828173

Easter Monday, April 18th

Walks with PiusInishcealtra (Holy Island), Mountshannon, County Clare – Easter Walk

Join a ‘Walk with Pius’ on Easter Monday to explore Inishcealtra (Holy Island) as part of National Pilgrim Paths Week 2022. Meeting Point: Mountshannon Marina, County Clare.

Contact Pius Murray at 087 9828173. e. pius@walkwithpius.com, w. www.walkwithpius.com


Completed Events – 2021

  • Heritage Week event on Inisheer
  • To celebrate Heritage Week 2021 join Pius Murray, on Sunday 15th August, on a guided walk, on the island of Inisheer (Inis Oirr), Aran Islands. This walk will focus on Caomhan the patron saint of the island.
  • Meeting point: Bill O’Brien’s Doolin Ferry Co. Ticket Sales Office, Doolin Pier @ 09 30
    Date: Sunday 15th August, 2021
    Departure to Inisheer: 10 00
    Return to Doolin Pier: 17 00
    (Travel on the Doolin Express Ferry)
    Price: €45 includes return ferry ticket

    Booking for this event is essential:
    Contact Pius
    M: 087 9828173
    E: piusmurray23@gmail.com
    W: www.walkwithpius.com


Past Events

Caomhan’s Pattern Day Inspirational Walk on Inisheer, Aran Islands, County Galway, on Monday, June 14th., 2021.Walks with Pius

Pius Murray leads a walk on Inisheer (Inis Oirr) to celebrate Caomhan, the patron saint of the island.
Meeting point: Doolin Pier, County Clare @ 09 30 at Bill O’Brien’s Doolin Ferry Co. Ticket Office.
Fee: €45 (includes ticket for return journey to Inisheer, on the Doolin Express Ferry)
Details: see www.walkwithpius.com/category/events or ring Pius 0879828173.
Booking in advance for this event is essential.



Events 2020

Talk on “The Hidden Benefits of Walking”CANCELLED due to COVID-19 Pandemic
Pius Murray will give a talk in Corofin Library, Co. Clare on the April 1st.
“The Hidden Benefits of Walking”, a talk by Pius Murray.
When: Wednesday, April 1st., 2020 @ 18 30.
Where: Corofin Library, County Clare.
Pius would be grateful if you could promote his event https://walkwithpius.com/a-healthy-ireland-at-your-library-event/.
Check out his Facebook page for details also. https://www.facebook.com/WalkWithPius/

Saturday August 29th
Inis Cathaigh (Scattery Island) Easter Walk – POSTPONED from Easter Monday
Join a ‘Walk with Pius’ on Easter Monday to explore Inis Cathaigh (Scattery Island) as part of National Pilgrim Paths Week 2020. Contact Pius at. 087 9828173. e. pius@walkwithpius.com,   www.walkwithpius.com

Completed Events


“Hidden Benefits of Walking” a talk by Pius Murray.
– A Healthy Ireland at your Library Event –

Taking place at:
Lisdoonvarna Public Library on Thursday, January 23rd., 2020 at 6pm

Kilkee Public Library on Monday, January 27th., 2020 at 6pm

More information can be found on the website (https://walkwithpius.com/category/events/) or on the Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/WalkWithPius).

  • Inis Cathaigh (Scattery Island) Easter Walk
    on Inis Cathaigh / Scattery Island
    13th April 2020
    Join ‘Walk with Pius’ on Easter Monday to explore Inis Cathaigh (Scattery Island) as part of National Pilgrim Paths Week 2020.
  • Caomhan’s Pattern Day Inspirational Walk
    on Inisheer, Aran Island
    14th June 2020
    Pius Murray will lead a guided walk on the island of Inisheer (Inis Oirr), Aran Islands, to celebrate the Pattern Day of Caomhan, patron saint of the island.  Meeting point Doolin Pier.
  • Cinndhearg’s (Holy Woman of the Red Hair) Day Inspirational Walk
    on Inis Maan, Aran Island
    15th August 2020
    Join Pius Murray for an inspirational walk to celebrate Cinndhearg’s (Holy Woman of the Red Hair) Day on Inishmaan, Aran Islands.  Meeting point Doolin Pier.


2019 Events

Thursday, August 15th, 2019:
Inspirational Walk with Pius Murray on Inishmaan (Aran Islands), to celebrate Cinndhearg’s Day (Holy Woman of the Red Hair).
Meeting point: Doolin Pier, Bill O’Brien’s Doolin Ferry Co. Ticket Office @ 09 30.
Depart: 10 00
Return:(arrive back at Doolin Pier) 17 15.
Terrain: Narrow tarred roads and trails.
Distance: 6 km.(at leisurely pace)
Ability: Suitable for all levels of fitness.
Contribution: €40 per person, which includes return ticket on the ferry.
It is advised to bring warm, waterproof clothing and comfortable walking boots or shoes.
A bottle of water and a snack is also advised.
Walkers have the option of purchasing lunch or bringing their own packed lunch.
Booking for this event is essential. M. 087 9828173 E. pius@walkwithpius.com W. www.walkwithpius.com


Inishcealtra (Holy Island) Inspirational Walk.
Date: Easter Monday, April 22nd., 2019.
Time: 10 00 – 14 00.

Meeting point: Aistear Park, Mountshannon, County Clare.
(on Main Street in the village)

Boat trip to island @ 10 15.
Tour/ Walk of Island:10 30 – 13 00
Return boat trip @ 13 00.
Visit to Aistear Park labyrinth 13 15 – 14 00.

Walk leader: Pius Murray.

Contribution: Adults €20
Children U-16 €10
(includes cost of boat trips)
Proceeds from the walk go to Pilgrim Paths Ireland.

Terrain: easy, walking trail and grassy areas.
Fitness: moderate, easy pace with walkers staying together during the walk.
Gear: Warm weatherproof clothing. Comfortable walking boots/shoes/runners.
Snack: bring a small snack and a bottle of water/fluids. There will be a snack break on the island.

Further information: contact Pius
m. 087 9828173
e. pius@walkwithpius.com
w. www.walkwithpius.com

Inisheer Inspirational Walk

Inisheer Inspirational Walk, with Pius Murray, on Thursday, June 28th., 2018 @ 09 30.

(Caomhan’s Pattern Day Walk cancelled due to gales.This walk replaces it.)

Cost: €30, includes return trip on Bill O’Brien’s Doolin Ferry Co. “Doolin Express” and the Guided Walk.

Booking essential: Contact Pius m. 087 9828173 e. piusmurray23@gmail.com see www.walkwithpius.com.

Caomhan’s Pattern Day Walk – Thursday, June 14th, 2018.

Caomhans Walk

Pius Murray leads the 5th. annual guided walk, on the island of Inisheer (Inis Oirr), Aran Islands, to celebrate the Pattern Day of Caomhan, patron saint of the island. Meeting point: Bill O’Brien’s Doolin Ferry Co. Ticket Sales Office, Doolin Pier @ 09 30 Departure to Inisheer: 10 00 Return to Doolin Pier: 17 00 (Travel on the Doolin Express Ferry) Cost: €30 per person, which includes the return ticket on the ferry & the guided walk. Bring warm, waterproof clothing and wear comfortable walking boots or shoes/runners. Bottle of water and a snack is advised. Walkers have the option of a good lunch in “An Teach Tae” cafe or of bringing a packed lunch.

Booking essential: Contact Pius m. 087 9828173 e. piusmurray23@gmail.com see www.walkwithpius.com.

Rath – Kilnaboy Pilgrim Walk,County Clare.Rath Dysert, Co. Clare
Monday, April 2nd., 2018 @ 10.00am.

Starting point: Rath Medieval Church & Graveyard, Corofin, County Clare.
Parking: Kilnaboy Medieval Church, County Clare from 09 00 to 09 30. (Walkers will be transported to the starting point at Rath)
Distance: 11km.
Duration: 3.5 hours
Terrain: Easy. Scenic, quiet rural tarred roads.
Fitness: Moderate. The walk will be at an easy pace, with all walkers staying together.
Gear: Warm, waterproof clothing. Comfortable walking boots/shoes.
Snack: Packed lunch and bottle of water etc. There will be a stop for lunch during the walk.
Contribution: Adults €10. Kids U-16 Free.
Walk Leaders: Pius Murray and Maureen Kelly.
Further information: Pius at 0879828173 or email pius@walkwithpius.com.

Please keep an eye on our email for Pilgrim Paths Week 2018 updates.

Photo: Tau Cross, Kilnaboy.

Completed Events 2017

Rath Dysert Pilgrim Path Clare

Saturday, April 15th., 2017 @ 10 00 – Drumcliff – Dysert Walk. Pilgrim Walk, Co Clare

Starting point: Drumcliff Cemetery, Ennis, County Clare.
Parking: Dysert O’Dea Castle, Dysert, Corofin, County Clare from 9am to 09.30am.
Walkers will then be transported to the starting point at Drumcliff.

Distance: 14 km..Duration: 4 -4.5 hours. Terrain: Easy, quiet rural roads and woodland paths.
Fitness: Moderate, the walk will be at an easy pace with all walkers staying together.
Contribution: Adults €10 Kids U-16 Free Walk leaders: Pius Murray and Maureen Kelly..
Further information. Pius at 0879828173, piusmurray23@gmail.com.
Please keep an eye on our Facebook Page for updates.

Burren Inspirational Walk, at Rathborney, Ballyvaughan, County Clare on Saturday, April 16th, 2016. @ 10 30 am.
Meeting point: Burren Fine Wine & Food, Ballyvaughan.
Duration: 2.5 hours
Distance: 8km
Contribution: €10, Children U-16 free.
Walk leader: Pius Murray, Coisceim Anama
Email : piusmurray23@gmail.com
Mobile: 087 982 8173
For updates please keep an eye on the Pilgrim Paths Facebook Page.

Activities for Pilgrim Paths Week 2016:

Walk 1: Rath/Dysert Pilgrim Path Walk.
Saturday, March 26th., 2016 @ 13 30.
Parking : Dysert O’Dea Castle, Corofin, County Clare @ 13 00.
Distance: 6 km.
Duration: 3 hours approx.
Level of difficulty: Easy.

Walk 2: Drumcliffe /Dysert Pilgrim Path Walk.
Monday, March 28th., 2016 @ 10 00.
Parking: Dysert Catholic Church car park, Dysert, Corofin, County Clare,from 09 00.
Distance: 15km.
Duration: 5 hours approx.
Level of difficulty: Moderate, reasonable level of fitness required.

Contribution for the Rath/Dysert Walk €6.00 and for the Drumcliffe/Dysert Walk €10.00.

Registration by email: piusmurray23@gmail.com
Contact Pius Murray at 0879828173.
See also www.coisceimanama.ie
